Title: Bewteen Two Worlds
Author: Schnickledooger (me)
Rating: All Audiences
Characters: Wolfram, Gwendal, Conrart, Celi, Waltorana, Yozak, (others)
Genre: Family/Action/Adventure
Setting: Pre-war Great Demon Kingdom
Chapters: 6/?
Summary: Young Wolfram’s world is thrown into chaos when his uncle Waltorana attempts to gain his custody from Celi. It grows more hectic when he is kidnapped on top of that and now the stirrings of war are in the air. Brotherly love, defeating the bad guys, you know, the usual routine^^
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
(PT 1) (PT 2)Chapter 5
(PT 1) (PT 2) Ch 6. Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire