Learning The Verity (update)

Sep 26, 2009 00:29

Title: Learning The Verity
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Author: Pink Piano
Rate: T (It may go up in the future, I’m not sure yet)
Pairing: Wolfram x Yuuri / Yuuri x Wolfram
Genre: A mix of Romance/Adventure/Drama/Humour/Suspense
Did Wolfram really love Yuuri like he always said? Yuuri fell into confusion as he learned the truth about Wolfram, and also... About the reason behind the disaster that endangered his kingdom and his own life. -Romance/Adventure/Humor/Suspense-
I’m not a newbie at writing fanfictions, but this is my first KKM fanfiction. Please be nice, ne~? ^_^
This story takes place after season 3 of the anime. I use my own interpretation about wolfyuu/yuuram pairing based on my obversation throughout the series. I follow the novel’s characterization (especially Wolfram) and use some scenes from the anime also (which is why I highly suggest you to watch all of the episodes first). Please visit here to read my impression about the two cute bisshies. I think you need it to catch Wolfyuu/Yuuram feelings more in this story.

Read Here:
(#1 Truth: The Cute Eavesdropper's Revelation)
(#2 Truth: The Reason To Protect Someone)

Please spare your time to read and give feedbacks ^__^

~Pink Piano

yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, wolfram x yuuri, fanfiction: 2009, author - nherizu

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