Invitation from Small Shimaron

Sep 19, 2009 19:08

A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic that isn’t Harry Potter related, so it might be crappy. It may also contain grammar mistakes, because I’m not a native English speaker, so if you do find any, please let me know. I also want to add that this is a Shounen Ai, which means Boyxboy relationship in light version. I don’t know if the rate will get higher in future chapters.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story. I’m a HUGE YuuRam shipper, but I love Sara as a character, so… here goes!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara Maou! It belong to its rightful owners!


Yuuri’s eyes fluttered open, and he sat up on his bed, blinking, to adjust his eyes to the light. He could feel Wolfram shifting on the bed beside him, and could hear a gasp on his other side, where Günter stood with his hands clasped together.

“Günter”, Yuuri murmured tiredly, rubbing his eyes wearily.  “Is something wrong?”

Wolfram shifted beside him again, still sleeping in his pink, frilly night gown. His arms and legs were spread in different angles, and he muttered something that sounded awfully much like “wimp”.

“Heika!” said Günter again, his cheerful smile fading. “Why is he in here?”

Yuuri let out a sigh, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

“I’ve been wondering the same,” he muttered annoyingly. It’s not like he wanted Wolfram to sleep with him. That was something he had decided to himself ever since their accidental engagement. He sighed again, and looked at Günter again.

“Ah, Günter, did you want something?”

“Oh, yes!” he handed Yuuri a parchment roll. “This came for you.”

Yuuri eyed the parchment roll, and saw something was written on it.

To Yuuri from Saralegui.

Yuuri’s eyes lit up and a huge smile was spread on his face.

“It’s from Sara!” He exclaimed happily. “I wonder what it is…”

He started to fumble with the ribbon around the parchment, and jumped suddenly when Wolfram shouted out of the blue.

“You cheater!”

Yuuri turned his head, to see Wolfram sitting up, glaring at him.

What the hell was he dreaming? Yuuri asked himself in his head.

“W-Wolfram. Good morning,” he greeted him with a nervous smile.

But Wolfram didn’t respond. Instead he fell back on the bed, sound asleep.

Weird, Yuuri thought. He returned to the parchment roll, and opened it carefully.

“What does it say?” Günter asked him curiously.

Yuuri smiled broadly after he had read the letter.

“He wants to invite us over to Small Shimaron again.”

He couldn’t hide the cheerful tone in his voice. Sara was a really good friend to him, and he hadn’t seen him in a long while.

“I’m definitely going!”

“Heika, is that really a good idea?”

Yuuri looked at his advisor.

“Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?”

“Considering your past meetings with him has always been troublesome”, Günter explained.

“I trust Sara”, Yuuri told him. “And it’s not like things like that is going to happen again. We’ve started things over.”

He knew that Günter was referring to Sara’s possessiveness over Yuuri’s power, and he understood his concern, but he knew that Sara wasn’t going to do that again. That is, to provoke Yuuri to get in his Maou mode. He knew somehow, that Sara saw him as a good friend.

“If you say so, Heika”, Said Günter, giving him a weak smile.

“Thank you, Günter”. Yuuri smiled at the purple haired man in front of him. He returned the smile, and left the room.

“What a relief”, Yuuri said to himself, suddenly feeling a slight more cheerful than before.  He read through the letter again, and put it aside to get dressed.


“I’m looking forward to see Sara again.”

Yuuri was resting his chin against the palm of his hand, as he stood by the edge of the ship, looking out in the water dreamily. It had been two days since he had gotten the invitation, and they were now finally on their way to Small Shimaron. Of course, he didn’t go alone. Conrad had insisted on coming along, as well as Murata and, not so surprisingly, Wolfram.

“Just make sure to be extra careful around him”, said Conrad on his left side.

“Will everyone stop saying that already?” Yuuri whined.

“He’s right, you know.” Wolfram showed his face, after have bending his head over the edge for quite a while. His face looked greenish. Yuuri rolled his eyes. He couldn’t understand why he had insisted on coming along, when he knew that he was going to feel seasick.

“You better not stay too friendly with-“Wolfram’s features changed, and he was lurching his head over the edge again, emptying his stomach.

“I don’t think that’s what he meant,” Yuuri muttered to himself. Conrad chuckled lightly beside him, and Yuuri’s smile returned.

“I trust Sara,” Yuuri told them, for probably the twentieth time this day.  “Don’t you worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“As you wish, Heika.”

“I’ve told you not to call me that!” Yuuri spat, turning to Conrad. “You’re my Godfather, after all.”

“All right, Yuuri.”

Yuuri returned his gaze towards the water. He could see land now.

“I can see land!” he shouted with delight. “We’re nearly there!”

“Thank goodness”, said a weak Wolfram beside him.



Yuuri ran towards his friend, who was standing calmly waiting for their arrival. He had gathered some of his long, blonde hair into a pony tail, and was wearing a pink kimono like robe.  His face lit up to a happy smile as Yuuri ran towards him.


He took Yuuri’s hands in his as soon as he reached him.

“I’m glad to meet you, Yuuri.” He gave Yuuri a gentle smile, and his eyes glinted happily behind his purple glasses.

“I’m glad to meet you too, Sara,” said Yuuri, returning a warm smile. He could hear a growl behind him, and turned around to see Wolfram. He was still pale after the trip, but looked slightly better, except, he looked a bit angrier.

“Nice to meet you, Your Excellency.” Sara used the same warm tone when he spoke to Wolfram, as he had when speaking to Yuuri, and he didn’t seem at least bothered by his mood.

Instead of speaking, due to still feeling nauseous, Wolfram nodded politely, before taking Yuuri’s hands from Sara’s grip. Sara didn’t seem to mind, but laughed warmly, before saying hello to Conrad and Murata.

A/N: Like I mentioned, this is the first time I wrote anything that’s not Harry Potter related. Reviews are love. I will try to update as soon as I can.

murata, yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, author - mothergaia, saralegui x yuuri, gunter, conrad, fanfiction: 2009

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