
Aug 22, 2009 00:15

Should Have Said No Yuuri….Conrad….

Wolfram and Yozak's POV, Conyuu, Yuuram, Conzak

Tell Conrad That You Are Leaving: Muzak

Murata's PoV, Conzak and Muzak
(i know there are Muzak fans out there, and I hate to admit, but it has grown on me....)

Yuuri Should be With Me- Yuuzak

Yozak's POV, Yuuzak
(i actually love this vid! weird pairing, but give it a try!)

Gunter is Not Sorry

Gwendal's POV, Gundal? or GunterGwendal, however you call it

Simple and Clean

Wolfram's main POV, Yuuram, Conzak, Gundal, and Cheri in here
(I like the story behind this one)

Wolfram is My Dirty Little Secret

Yozak's PoV, wolfzak? yozakwolfram!
(so, another weird pairing, but....figure, why not try something new....)

Wolfram is Unwanted

Wolfram's POV, Yuuram

Gwendal is Naked

Gwendal's Pov; Yuudal! gwendalyuuri
(I love Gwendal, don't like Yuuri, but hey! I think they are sort of cute....besides, Yuuri tends to change people!)


Conrad's Pov, Conzak

Battlefield- Conzak

Yozak's Pov, Conzak

Conrad is Crazy for Yozak

Conrad's Pov, Conzak
(who wouldn't be crazy for Yozak?)

No Surprise

Yozak's Pov, Conzak
(there the barest hint of Muzak, if you want to see it that way)

Used to Know You Shinou

Murata's Pov, ShinouMurata
(love this pairing....i really do love Murata and his mysterious pasts....)

ENJOY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May be they'll inspire more vids and more fics!!!!!!! ne?

media - music videos

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