Title: Fic Challenge as proposed by
http://www.livejournal.com/users/suboshiyui/Author: Nicole
Pairings: uh, various
Anime Series: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: Knowing me and my Fluff Bunnies, nothing above PG-13
Spoilers: uhm...probably. I don’t know what ones though. Mostly pre-20s I think
Note: Uh, yeah. I know this is late to jump into the challenge, but I had major studying for Japanese that came first. Uh, the stories don’t exist along the same story-line unless stated. Entry for December 1-4 today, and 5-7 tomorrow. Then I’ll be on track and put up one of these little buggers a day!
December 1
Characters: Gwendal, Gunter
Rating: G
He was well aware that their mother had warped them all in some form or fashion. Wolfram had certainly gotten the worst of it due to a lethal combination of being the youngest and inheriting her fair looks. He still remembered the years where most were confused if the Maou had three sons or two sons and a daughter. The dresses she put Wolfram in didn’t help.
Konrad, on the other hand, didn’t know how to BE selfish. But then, what can you expect when your mother hands you a baby and tells you that it’s YOUR responsibility and YOU have to take care of it and keep it happy. Yes, thank you mother. It was a wonder Konrad hadn’t killed Wolfram on accident. Even as a baby, Wolfram had a powerful set of lungs and let everyone know when he was unhappy.
It wasn’t that they didn’t know that their mother cared for them. She just wasn’t around as much as they would have liked, especially when they were very young. He hesitates to say ‘superficial,’ but…
He blames it on her. Really. When he was little, before Konrad was born, he sometimes felt very alone. Then to keep him company, his mother bought him a stuffed toy, a grey mouse with long whiskers. She spritzed it with her favorite perfume before she gave it to him and when he held it at night, it smelled like her and brought him comfort.
There was a period in his life where he carried that mouse everywhere he went, tucked in his pocket. Annisina always let him set a place for it when she forced him to place ‘tea time’ with her. She even tried to make a little purple bonnet for it, to which he had venomously objected. “He’s a boy mouse,” he had stressed to her. “He doesn’t wear bonnets.”
But he had liked the idea of making something nice for Mouse and convinced his nurse to help him make a cape for Mouse to wear for the next time Annisina caught him.
“Mouse looks very cute,” his nurse said as he tired the ribbon under the toy’s neck. “If you want, I can teach you how to make a little friend for him.”
Oh yes, he blamed his mother for his obsession with cute things. If she had been around more he wouldn’t have needed that stupid toy so much. Really, it was quite unseemly for a man his age to still collect cute things.
“Gwendal? Are you alright? You’ve been starring at me for ten minutes.”
Gwendal blinked out of his daze and nodded. “Yes, Gunter. I was just thinking.”
And damn it if he didn’t have one more cute thing he wanted to add to that collection.
December 2
Characters: Yuuri, Wolfram
Rating: PG
It’s winter. It’s cold. That’s his excuse anyway. He doesn’t let them try to light a fire in his room through, that would be defeating the purpose and taking away the opportunity given to him by the gods of winter who really must love him.
Because Wolfram can’t stand the cold. It probably has something to do with the fact that his element is fire, but Yuuri really doesn’t care what the reason is. All he knows is that by the time Wolfram lays down to sleep, his teeth are practically chattering and his slender body is shuddering from cold.
After a few moments of listening to his fiancé suffer, Yuuri will sigh dramatically (because he doesn’t want to seem too eager) and roll over to draw Wolfram into his arms. “Here,” he whispers, finding Wolfram’s ear amongst his soft hair. “Just for tonight.”
And Wolfram turns in his arms, moaning quietly at the welcome warmth and snuggling up close against his body so that not even a sheet of paper could slip between them once Yuuri has wrapped his arms around him.
And Wolfram is so warm and smells so good and he hopes that winter lasts a long long time.
Wolfram feels a little guilty about tricking his fiancé, but not enough to stop. After all, it’s winter and who is he to waste such an opportunity? And it IS cold, just not as cold as he leads Yuuri to think it is.
But it’s worth it. Oh, it’s worth it when he feels Yuuri wrap his arms around him, whispering in his ear that this is only for tonight when Wolfram knows that he’ll pull the same stunt tomorrow night with hopes of getting a similar reaction.
Because he loves sleeping in Yuuri’s arms, loves the reluctant affection he pulls from the other boy. He loves how warm and peaceful it is in Yuuri’s embrace and how he’ll let him nestle too close for ‘just friends’ because he thinks he’s protecting him from the cold.
Maybe someday Yuuri will hold him while he sleeps because he wants to, not because it’s winter and it’s cold. But until then, he hopes that winter lasts a very long time.
December 3
Characters: Konrad, Yuuri, Wolfram
Rating: G
It bothered him. And it bothered him that it bothered him. He knew that he had no logical reason to be jealous, but he couldn’t help it. Even through his supposed hatred, he was the only one Wolfram would let take care of him when he was sick. And now, there was Yuuri, in his seat, next to Wolfram’s bed.
He watched silently from the doorway, watched Yuuri bathe Wolfram’s flushed face with a damp cloth and whisper something comforting to him. Even from here he could see the happy smile lingering on his little brother’s face. And he knew those fever bright eyes were glowing with unhidden adoration that even Yuuri wouldn’t be able to miss.
He knew that he should be happy that they were getting along, that Wolfram trusted Yuuri enough to let him see him this way, sick and weak as a new kitten, but something sharp still kept his heart in a twist.
It had been his job to take care of Wolfram since the boy had been a baby. He was the one Wolfram had run to when he had a bad dream, he was the one who picked a little Wolfram up when he fell, he was the one Wolfram looked to for approval. And now, he couldn’t help but feel like Yuuri was taking his place.
But wasn’t it right that Yuuri should take a greater role in Wolfram’s life? And didn’t it warm his heart to see the King touch Wolfram so gently? Could he really begrudge them their young love?
His precious baby brother and their brave King. What more could he want than their happiness? Even if it meant that he faded away into the background.
He looked up, blinking. If he had not notice Yuuri approaching, he must have been deep in thought. But he smiled warmly and moved away from the door jam. “Yes, Yuuri?” he asked.
Yuuri smiled and looked over his shoulder to where Wolfram lay quietly, and his dark eyes softened for a moment in quiet fondness before he turned back around. “He’s asking for you.”
Perhaps the day would come when he would have to take care of them from the shadows.
But not yet.
December 4
Characters: Gwendal, Wolfram
Rating: G
Gwendal looked up from his work at the polite knock on his office door and tried to figure out who it could be. It couldn’t be Gunter, who had a habit of not knocking before he left himself in. And it certainly couldn’t be Annisina. It wasn’t like her to let her prey know it was being tracked until she closed in for the kill. And it wasn’t his mother, who had no reason to come into his office. She too had a problem with knocking.
The knock came again and he entertained the idea of pretending he wasn’t in for a second before he called for the person at his door to enter. To his surprise, it was Wolfram who opened the door and looked hesitantly at him.
“Ah, Gwendal,” he said, smiling a little nervously. “Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you.”
Gwendal frowned, the fact that Wolfram had knocked on the door and WAITED for permission already had him suspicious. “I am busy,” he said slowly, watching his youngest brother’s face. “Can’t you go talk to Konrad?”
Wolfram’s face darkened with a small frown. “No,” he said, “No, that wouldn’t work.”
With a suffering sigh, Gwendal motioned for Wolfram to take a seat and moved his work so that he could give his brother his undivided attention. “Now, what is it?” he asked, folding his hands on his desk.
Wolfram fidgeted a little (not a good sign) and then focused his gaze over Gwendals’s shoulder. “Say you like someone, but you’re not really sure that he likes you. He’s really sweet and caring and loyal and a good friend, but he’s too dumb to notice how you feel about him. Plus you’re pretty sure he has a crush on someone else, but you know it’s nothing serious.” Wolfram paused and his eyes narrowed into a glare. “At least, it better not be.”
“Wolfram,” Gwendal said, holding up a hand to stop Wolfram from launching into a rant that usually followed when his mind was Yuuri. “The wisest thing to do is to tell this person how you feel. Keeping it to yourself and expecting him to pick up on subtle signs is not the most effective way to go about starting a relationship. Talk to him and let him know. Even if the outcome is not as favorable as you hoped, at least you no longer have to wonder if he knows.”
Wolfram’s face broke out into a smile and he nodded enthusiastically. “Well said,” he said brightly. “So when will you tell him?”
“Gunter of course!” Wolfram said, standing up and making his way back to the door. Then he paused and shot a smirk over his shoulder. “What? Did you think I was talking about myself?”
He closed the door behind him and breathed a deep sigh of relief.
“So? How’d it go?”
Wolfram pushed away from the wall and scowled at Yuuri. “Embarrassing. Do you know what it is like to talk to your older brother about his love life?”
Yuuri just smiled and threw his arm around Wolfram’s shoulders. “Thank you anyway.”