Fanart - Kissing Meme

Jul 31, 2009 21:54

Title: Meme - Kissing
Artist: Akayashi
Rating: PG-13? idk
Characters/Pairings: Gwendal/Gunter, Josak/Conrad, Shinou/Murata, Yuuri/Wolfram.
Warnings: M/M kissin'.
Artist’s Notes: This was a quick, spur of the moment thing. I saw the blank meme and thought “Wouldn’t it be fun to fill it out with KKM characters?” And that’s pretty much it. Oh yeah, Conrad and Josak look chibi because they're supposedly kids.

artist - akayashi, yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, fanart: 2009, shinou x murata, yozak x conrad, gwendal x gunter

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