Last night I did a random gay marriage drabble request meme on my LJ. Sadly, this did not keep the California Supreme Court from making the wrong decision. But... someone requested Yuuram fic, so at least something good came out of it!
Title: Hindsight is Always 20/20
chaineddove Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Characters/Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram, implied Murata/Shouri, Konrad, Cheri
Wordcount: 425
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. I just play.
Author’s Notes: Yuuri gets ready for his wedding and realizes too late that they really should have eloped. Requested by
"We should have eloped," said Yuuri for what was probably the tenth time that morning. "We really should have. I hear Bandarbia is nice this time of year.")