Title: The Old Kingdom: Sand (2/?)
Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram
Genre: Romance, angst, drama, historical
Solaris MoonRating: PG-13 to R overall
Warning: Character death (not Yuuri or Wolfram), angst, AU, OOC, OC
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maoh. This is a work of fanfiction. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: AU. As the Pharaohs's son, Yuuri lives a life with a lot of expectations. That, though, changes when his father dies a mysterious death and Yuuri is forced to leave the palace in order to survive. That's when he learns that Egypt isn't as perfect as it seems.
Previous Chapters:
01 (
The Old Kingdom Chapter 02 )
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