FIC: Do. Not. Want.

Dec 22, 2008 14:26

Title: Do. Not. Want.
Author: batty_gal
Rating: T++, borderline M
Fandom: KKM
Pairing: Slight Wolfram x Yozak??? WTF? Also, slight Gwendal x Anissina and Yuuram undertones.
Fic Type: Comedy


Summary: One of Anissina's experiments causes Wolfram to fall madly in love with Yozak (and Gwendal with Anissina). Nothing is safe.

Fake Cut: Do. Not. Want.

author - batty_gal, anissina, yuuri x wolfram: 2004-2009, gwendal, wolfram, yozak, fanfiction: 2008, gwendal x anissina, yozak x wolfram, yuuri

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