Title: The Bachelor's Party
Warnings: Spoilers, language, sexual innuendos, violence, drunkenness, nudity and general stupidity - everything you would expect in a bachelor's party. Plot, What Plot?
Characters/couples: Hints of many pairings, I started writing them down and gave up.
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I don't own Maruma
Summary: There's a joke where a woman is asked why she hadn't gotten married, she replied that she just forgot. Anissina is declaring her singlehood in a 'wedding' ceremony and the boys have a bachelor's party.
Author's Notes: Okay, I have to warn you, this is a one-shot that got way too out of hand. It's mostly just one scene. It's like a big Italian family get-together - it's loud and boisterous and chaotic with people talking over each other, and teasing, and violence, and hugging, and kissing, and lots and lots of alcohol. The story is first-person POV and the narrator gets drunker and drunker as the evening progresses. It may be headache inducing so I've split it into segments. I'll post a segment each day.
Also, there are no OC's here (I did give a name to one of Wolfram's soldiers) so I put this
who's who among the ten nobles because some of them and their relatives show up.
(Yozak's Sidetrip: The Bachelor's Party) Crossposted at