[Fanfiction] May You Live in Interesting Times

Jul 14, 2008 16:34

Title: May You Live in Interesting Times
Author: Apa
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: All; elements of common pairs; MuraYuu in part 4.
Genre: Drama/Adventure/Humor/Romance/Gen/AU
Chapter: 4
Summary: There were a lot more birds flying over the castle calling out "bad omen!" Diplomatic meltdowns, spies and studying are only the start of Yuuri's problems.
Comments: Set post episode 81; spoilers for Shinou's condition in season 3. AU Timeline. This is still a more or less gen fic, I promise. ♥

( ...maybe Greta's uncle would like to go to the gardens with us. )

Crossposted to asetofnewrules.

fanfiction: 2008, murata, murata x yuuri, author - apapazukamori, yuuri

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