Fanart, PG

Apr 01, 2008 15:21

OVA 5 was ♥. So I drew chibi peeps from that ep. (+ a couple random other things.)

Conrad looks horrid because I was just scribbing around with him before I actually started attempting to make them look somewhat good. AND WHAT THE HELL. How could I draw Ulrike and such, but not Shinou? Or Yozak? Or Gwendal?! Or even Günter. Bleh
O.o Aldabert looks like he's gonna cry. Or maybe just a bit crossed eyed?
I like Murata best. <3

Alford that doesn't really look like Alford. >______________>
Seriously. I was playing with my fingerless gloves though xD So I drew this.
Half of it's kiiiinda adorablish looking to me though.(I am way easily amused though.)

Guh. Of course the one time I actually had work to do inbetween class, I go and leave my school id at home, so I couldn't get into the library. >.< So I ended up drawing Yuuram. >_> His baaaaaaaaaack. Guh. Ignore the fact that it's too light in places it shouldn't be and too dark in places it shouldn't be. And I really hate attempting curlyish hair. UGH. WOLFRAM. WHY MUST YOU HAVE SUCH PRETTY~FLOOFLY~WAVY HAIR?

I forgot to draw Wolf's other hand >______> Whoops.
And ACK! Why must my scanner dislike me so much? AND RANDOMLY SCAN PICTURES IN A WAY SO THEY COME OUT REALLY HUGE?????!!! GAWD!(*ish too lazy to resize*)

aldebert, alford, shouri, fanart: 2008, gwendal, wolfram, artist - teef_chan, murata, saralegui, beries, ulrike, conrad, yuuri

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