Title: A Billion Points of Light
Author: Alice
Fandom(s): Kyou Kara Maou!
Spoilers: The end of season two.
Pairings: Yuuri/Wolfram
Summary: It never ceased to amaze Yuuri how different Earth and Shin Makoku, and yet how they are so similar all at once.
Part: 1/1
Rating: PG
Warnings: Is there a warning for fluff? I don’t know. They never kiss or anything of that sort. Does that require a warning? XD
Disclaimer: Alice does not own Kyou Kara Maou. And you all should be very, very thankful for that.
Author’s Notes: IS IT APRIL YET? Sioghsoghosg want season three now *A*
'There’s a billion points of light up there,” Yuuri said, quietly, “and the world shifts and the ones we can see changes but they are all still there.')