Title: What a Wonderful World
Author: Alice
Fandom(s): Kyou Kara Maou!
Spoilers: Spoilers through to the end of the second season; some hints at the events from the OVAs but not in great detail.
Pairings/Characters: Yuuri/Wolfram, Conrad + Wolfram
Summary: After an assassination attempt on Wolfram leaves the denizens of Blood Pledge Castle in shock, Yuuri takes it upon himself to assign Wolfram a lone personal knight who’ll place Wolfram’s wellbeing above even the king’s safety.
Part: 2/(?)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence and gay; the best combination in the world. 8’)
Disclaimer: Alice does not own Kyou Kara Maou. And you all should be very, very thankful for that.
Author’s Notes: Wow, very positive response to the first chapter. *A* Thank you all so much for your reviews~ ♥
The one thing I found odd, though, was how many people asked me whether it was going to be Yuuram or ConWolf because apparently I was unclear on that? It’s Yuuram, you guys, but the reason I have Conrad + Wolfram under pairings/characters is because, while they will not be romantically involved, their relationship is incredibly significant, enough to warrant their own label. But no, it won’t be ConWolf. Not that I have anything against ConWolf, quite the contrary, I like the pairing very much. It’s simply not what I had intended for this particular story. Sorry! So, for now, enjoy~
But with each step Yuuri took towards the coffin, the further away it seemed to be.)