At sometime in the distant future, the world was polluted and destroyed by war, leaving most areas uninhabitable by most humans. Unbeknown, however, the government had been working on an underground city; a project known as Renatus. Renatus is an entire city built underground, with artificial day and night, and all the luxuries of the outside world. In a last ditch effort to save humankind, the people were moved to the underground city to live out the rest of their lives free from the worries of war. The only exit to the city was sealed shut to ensure enemies have no access to the city and only those with special clearance are allowed to leave.
However, many lives were still lost from lasting effects of pollution and diseases caused from it and once again, humanity faced yet another problem of dying out. The government had one more ace up its sleeve, however, a machine to bring people over from the past. A selfish act born of desperation to ensure the survival of the human race. Unfortunately, the machine malfunctioned, bringing over too many people and even alternate versions of some. Not willing to admit their mistake, the government continues to follow their original plans. New citizens are given thorough physical examinations to make sure they are free from disease and, after they are filled in on their situation and are, are given temporary housing until they are able to find jobs and save enough money to buy their own home.Renatus is a multifandom RPG that allows multiple players of the same character since you can be both OU and AU versions. We also allow original characters to some extent and welcome all pairings and ratings. There are many positions not filled since the RP has just opened so we hope you stop by. ♥
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Reserve Renatus RPG All Characters are Open.