Fanfiction Authors BEWARE!

May 29, 2007 00:19

I know I don't post here often but I know there is a heap of fanfiction posted to this community. Hence, I felt it necessary to pass on the following story:

A website known as FanLib is aiming to get a community of fanfiction writers to post stories to their beta based website, the sole purpose being to profit from stories posted. They claim the rights to stories posted (for purposes of advertising on the main page, they say) but if a story is found to be in violation of the original creator's works, the author themselves is held responsible.

More information can be found here.

Please avoid posting your fanfiction on this website if you are invited, as fans themselves gain little or no profit (a free t-shirt perhaps,) it may endanger your privacy, ruin your reputation as a writer, and play a small part in the building case against fanfiction (which is usually protected due to its non-profit nature.)


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