The japanese anime magazine Animage has launched a poll about favourite female & male characters, anime series and episodes. Of course Kyou Kara Maou is also there and I'm pleasantly surprised that KKM is ranked pretty high!
Favourite series:
Rank 12: Kyou Kara Maou (94 votes)
Favourite episodes:
Rank 7: Kyou Kara Maou Episode 78: Until we meet again (224 votes)
Favourite male characters
27. Yuuri (thanks @
_miyuchan for KKM boys' ranking)
29. Wolfram
35. Conrad
Unfortunately I can't spot any of the boys in the top twenty of the favourite male characters but maybe there are somewhere in the ranks 22-75... (can't read lol)
the rest of the scans is posted at my journal, where you can read some random stuff about the results as well lol.