Title: Like A Wolfram in Sheep's Clothing.
Authoress: Reiven.
Rating: General.
Genre: Humour.
Chapter: 1/…?
Character(s): Yuuri, Wolfram, Jennifer, Conrad, Murata, Shori and Gwendal.
Classification: Shounen-ai.
Timeline: Sometime after the end of the series.
Summary: Jennifer always wanted a daughter she could spoil with parfait and pretty frilly dresses. Instead (fifteen years later) she got Wolfram whom she could spoil with parfait and pretty frilly dresses. At the same time, Yuuri gets jealous, Conrad and Murata get strokes of bad luck and Shori gets the urge to mother them both.
He saw the gown, he saw his mother gaze following the gown's dramatic descend to the ground and he found himself wishing he was currently in Shin Makoku doing something safe; like battling the Dai Shimaron soldiers or facing an off-the-tree Hell's Paradise Goala. ]