Sep 14, 2006 15:28
Hey, I'm working on a fic and I just needed to know some information- I have seen snippets here and there between the different KKM comms.
I'm looking for main differences between the novel Konrad and Wolfram and the anime Konrad and Wolfram.
In addition, I'm also interested in what Konrad's exact attitude is towards Yuuri (from the novel). As well as his reaction to the Wolfram/Yuuri dynamic. If anyone knew Wolfram's reaction to the Konrad/Yuuri dynamic that would be great too.
I have several ideas in my head, but I don't want to overstep any bounds or directly contradict (character-wise) anything that's been explicitly shown in the novel. Thanks!
My AIM sn is Vivitarium, if anyone wants to give me an in depth view of their characterizations. (Complete with interrogation style questions)
Thanks so much- if this is not allowed please tell me, and I'll delete it.
fandom discussion,