West Wall Show at Hi Point

Apr 09, 2012 11:28

Getting the work ready...

All details were decided by the curator, which prints, sizes, mattless framing, everything. These are 18x24 prints.

The Opening....

There they are...all installed!
As you can see we had quite the glare issue. Next time thicker plexi! (but I spent a small fortune on this as is!)

The best thing, for me, were the reactions from the viewers. I really enjoyed how people made up little stories about the images; how they really switched on people's imaginations. Some things I overheard..."She's an evil librarian" and "This girl just finished crying."

That's me. I was really nervous to talk to people, but it went fine.

As a terminal cynic, I have always had an issue with the distinction of 'Artist'. It took the encouragement of SEVERAL people for me to do this. I really appreciate it and I hope I will keep this up and believe in my own art.

* * *
The rest of our opening pics are in film, so more once we get that developed. So far this was a success, a piece was already purchased and the display will be up through June!

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