Japan Trip Part 3

Oct 13, 2010 13:50

This is Part 3 of my Japan trip planning. Part One is here and Part Two is here.

Winding down to my last few days in Tokyo. On Monday we are off to Nakano to explore the four floors of Otaku insanity at Nakano Broadway. We hope to be done just in time to hit happy hour at Juke 80s. An all request 80s bar in Nakano where all drinks and food are 300 yen! We need to get our rest Monday night to tackle Akihabara on Tuesday! My main destination is Radio Kaikan, but I'm sure we will wander the streets for hours and end up at Club Sega and Taito Hey Arcades well into the night.

Wednesday we are going to Ueno for the day. We'll stop at the awesome Yamashiroya toy store, a couple army surplus stores and check out the reptile house at the Ueno Zoo. Now I just have to figure out how to get 6 floors of toy store awesomeness home with me!

Thursday we can relax a bit. In the afternoon we'll head to Ginza to check out Hakuhinkan (one of the largest toy stores in Japan), Volks and Angel Dolls (an art doll store / museum). Then it's Vampire Cafe for dinner! I have dreamed about going to VC for years, kitschy old school vampire is a total guilty pleasure of mine!

Sadly Friday will be our last full day in Japan. We'll head to Ikebukuro to spend the last of our pennies at Animate, Mandarake, Closet Child and the huge Bic Camera. I'll muster my last bit of strength for farewell drinks at Bar Tram or another bar that we discover.

Then its back home. Hopefully there will be tons of photos and movies to share. I'm sure its a trip I will want to re-live over and over again.
<3 KyotoPunk
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