Oct 24, 2007 17:15

alsjdoijrlkjsdlfkjdfkljsLKJAOISJDOLIJASD -SMASHSMASH-

T&T BEST album just came in (an hour and a half ago)!!!

THE JACKET C PHOTO BOOKLET IS ONLY FIVE PAGES LONG, BUT IT WAS AWESOME. (I'll be scanning it in a bit, so expect those at chaakeeouyo soon; and yes, I only bought Jacket C)

My mom was home when it got here; she yelled at me because I bought it without permission and my cousins could've gotten it cheaper than what I bought it for (apparently). Bleh, I'm currently contemplating whether or not to cancel HSJ and reorder it (with permission)...

I'm surprised she didn't notice that I was shoving her out of the house, though XD -didn't want to go all "LKAJSLDJKLAKJSEOIUJEWROIJDLF" with her home and feigned worry that she'd be late for classes-

ANYWAY. togechan can attest that I fail at life. It took me ten minutes to get the plastic wrapper off it and another two minutes to open the CD case...and another minute to get the booklets and stuff out of it. XD I have bad motor skills or something. Or maybe the heat's affecting my strength. Or...I BLAME JE.

rant, fandom

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