
Dec 02, 2007 18:10

Never in my life have I been so glad that I actually had to spend time away from checking my fpage on Sundays.

I was wondering why yesterday, when I checked the Japanese Wiki page on ジャニーズJr. for Kyomoto's birthday (then later, Taiyou's), Taiyou wasn't on there anymore. That kind of hurt a little, and I was scared, but I shrugged it off, trying not to think of it too much, even though I knew how fast people updated that Junior page.

While every other Taiyou fan's out there crying, I can't. Never in my life have I been so angry at being raised emotionally the way I have been, either.

Taiyou's been one of my favorite Johnny's since I loved Ya-Ya-yah, and since Hey!Say! JUMP's debut, he was my favorite Junior.

Now he's gone. Now Ya-Ya-yah is gone. I know I was naïve and stubborn when thinking that it'd still come back, someday, but the fact that I held onto that hope so much kind of really hurts. I really hate being wrong, even when I know that it's impossible for me to be right all the time.

I don't know - this just really hurts. I came on LJ to see if anyone could shed some light on who that last Junior introduced in Love so sweet from the 2007 Johnny's Hit Medley was, and now I, albeit really, really late, read the bad news.

I always knew the sunset was truly depressing.

I was going to leave this journal and move to the username of yangkuang (Wade-Giles romanization of 陽光 - yes, I am really that much of an obsessive fangirl; that, and it was a pretty name) at New Year's, but now...I'm not too sure.

What I'm wondering now, though, is why the Juniors page still doesn't have the furigana for that random Junior.

This news won't stop me from making my usual Shokura post, though, nor will it stop me from ripping tonight.

rant, fandom

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