
Nov 23, 2007 18:17

Your handwriting is hard to read. I write better in Chinese than you do. D:

Lyto wrote this: 王欠在的这个世界比校发达从网上, 大家都能很容易的勾迿…考一下你的中文 :P 加油~ 网上欠 :)

The only phrase I can actually read is 你的中文 fo srs. o.o;; -phail and aunt stared at it all "WTF I CAN'T READ THIS @_@"- [My aunt has crappy handwriting, too. Yours is worse than hers, though, Lyto.] And for those who are wondering how I typed it if I can't read it: IME pad ftw. :D

Anyway, I'll make sure to put that Nino face in with trip's card XDD

The faces were kind of weird, though. XD I pulled them out one by one, randomly...and Winamp started to mock me...I pulled out Shoon's and it played Slave of Love...which was really weird...

I saw a guy who looked like Jin's brother today at Best Buy. He randomly said "hello" to my aunt. It was kinda strange. o_o

I got one thing out of Black Friday. This depresses me. Oh, and it wasn't me who got it. It was my cousin in Wyoming. She was buying stuff for all of us at Circuit City 'cause it was easier there (less people, apparently). I got a 8GB Zen V, but I won't be able to get it until December. Ah well.


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