(no subject)

Jun 27, 2010 22:43

SO NE PLAN. You know how I wanted to major in music? Well I started thinking, wtf am I going to do with it. I started to think clearly, I mean I LOVE music so fucking much but the industry is fucking tough to get into. And anyway youd on't reallyNEED a degree to become a studio guitarist and shit. I mean it would look good and probably increase the posibility of getting a good job by a bit, but still won't make much of a difference. I still love music and plan to keep it as a hobby.

Now I want to study radiology, I HATE MEDICAL SHIT but radiology does not seem thatbad. You take scans of peoples bodies, that's about it. Doesn't seem that bad. BUT I will be taking a double major. Majoring in radiology and either photgraphy or music. I might go for photography, but thinking about the music thing, the degree might look nice, but I still don't know yet. WELL FUCK. I love photography, and I heard wedding photographers make the big bucks. LOL TAKING PICTURES OF HAPPY PEOPLE. OH BOY.But who knows I might take pictures for a magazine in Japan. That's what I would lie to do. Also I want to micon in Japanese.

The plan is, to have back up plans. As in if I fail as a radiologist or wtf it's called OH I HAVE A DEGREE IN PHOTOGRAPHY. I like photography so I can handle it. Radiology does not seem to bad. And they get paid well. I will still continue with music becuase I simply love it. So now I have to decide if I should major in Photography or music along with Radiology. HMM.

Also becuase of this. I wnat to go to a University. I always wanted to actually but I was undecided where to go. There was the city University but fuck I don't want to saty in bumfuck Texas. So then I thought, HOW ABOUT SEATTLE. I have a close friend that lives there and it would be great to live there, especially because it's up North. Also I cold probably affrod it because we are just barely finding out that my dad can get veteran benifits since he was in the Navy and served his full term. Even though we do not live our dad anymore he agreed to do it. The only thing is we do not know if it applies to OUTSIDE Universities as in Universities outside of Texas. I hope it does because I would be getting 75 hours that the goverment will be paying. that would be about 3 to 4 years of paid college.

If it turns out they do it for any Universit in the US I will get my associates degree first here at SAC and then go to Seattle. Get my own place and go to the University and try to get a job as a Radiology technician or wtf it's called. Lol. FUCK YOU TECHNICAL WORDS.

I'm excited. I really want to go to a University.


lol i wnat to sacan yo body with my eyes, life, college

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