Never thought I could hate even more~ =D

Nov 10, 2007 18:58

So some girl reviewed my Riku story saying: "Eh.

I think I can see the dynamic you're going for, but Dai seems so incredibly
passive. She's upset that the others aren't including her enough, but she
doesn't seem to be making an effort to do things with them, either. It's also
unclear if you mean for her to be complaining about them as childish just as a
matter of sour grapes, or really mean the second case, it's no wonder
they've leaving her out.

Also, while your word use is inventive and mostly good, you've also got some
slightly off bits...don't try to sound smart just for the sake of it. ("Now
lets see how they can adjust well to their bad sets of karma, or good, depends
on the person and how negative they felt about Dai - if capable." being a
particularly noticable example)"

My reply: "I meant for her to be impassive. |: Dai is a character with friend issues.

As for wanting to be in more with the group, she wants to, yet she doesn't want to. It's because Kairi's in there that she doesn't particularly want to. I thought I made that clear, but apparently not clear enough.

I was NOT trying to sound smart. |: I didn't even think of it as such while writing. Like other writers, they write what they feel based on the situation.

I put it in there as, "Time to show them up." kind of thing.

I thank you (but not really) for the criticism. I was mainly waiting for someone to criticize my English, seeing as I'm still improving on my second language.

My day has been greatly increased by hating the female population. =D"

I would've said, "I hope you have terrible nightmares tonight! =D" or "I hope you have fun flowing down the sewer, you little piece of shit." but I'd already predict her annoying spitfire personality. People like that is easy to figure out. They'll basically fight it out until we have moderators and such getting dragged into it. Now, her criticism on the whole Dai character thing is appreciated, but the comment about trying to sound smart, pissed me off.

This is why I hate girls. =D

What makes me laugh at her more, is the fact that she writes Pokemon stories. I love Pokemon, but I don't think I'll ever read a story about it. =D Thanks, you have now pissed me off 2 times in 2 days. criticism

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