10 Things About Kai Nishikura

Aug 18, 2012 17:18

Borrowed this from sakura_panic. I was supposed to do this weeks ago but I didn't have time ahehe.

1. Kai is an onmyouji (a diviner). He sees spirits and demons on a daily basis and unfortunately, they follow him everywhere too.o_o
2. He once lived in Imabari-shi, Ehime, Japan with his father, a medicine peddler, and his younger sister Chie. His mother, well, he says he doesn't remember much about her except that she has long white hair and pretty amber eyes.
3. He's older than he looks.=DDD To give a hint as to how old he is: he says he was Kukai and eventually, Abe no Seimei's apprentice.
4. He likes anything with red bean paste.
5. He once had to dress up as a shrine maiden, much to his annoyance.XDDDD
6. He dislikes dogs but has one following him all the time *coughHakucough*
7. Rainy days remind him of a lot of things: running away from Ishiteji Temple where he trained & meeting Rin are just a few of them.
8. He likes being alone because he says he doesn't like other people being bothered by his "guests".
9. He likes to keep up a cold personality but he's really a huge softie especially around kids.=3
10. Do not give him natto. He will hate you forever.XDDD

Tagging sylphidkitty, moptech, blue_epistle, gackoi and every dolly owner on my friendlist!=3

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meme, via ljapp, kai, bjd

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