
Apr 20, 2013 22:56



When I was young
and a man offered his heart to me
I was never unkind.

Not to the man who proclaimed himself
Chocolate Queen with a grin --
I almost applauded.
I gave him a chance
at a real romance
and still found him wanting.

But I was never mean.

Not to the man who, upon leaving,
told me I needed to procure him
new ass.

Not to the man who
finally found the courage to talk
to me after stalking me
all Summer --
he even knew where I lived
and I lived off grid.

Not to the man
who screamed Hallelujah
and said, "You may be a bitch
in the streets, but you sho is a man
in the sheets"
because that's what you wanna hear
when you are deep deep
and doing your

I bedded them all well
and I bid them goodbye kindly.

You I cannot figure out.
You say I am them
and you are me.
You are not kind
yet you don't bid me goodbye.
And having just grown gills
I'll have to longer wait for legs.

(it would only
be much later my dick would lose
attention -- then, my feelings and it
were separate)
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