April is Autism Awareness Month! Being a family that has been deeply affected by Autism, we would like to try and achieve something BIG for April. LETS GET THE WORD OUT!!! Autism is on the rise and has been for sometime now, so something has to be done to stop it. The Autism community needs BIG NAMES to make a difference for us. If enough concerned people contact Dr. Phil and Oprah one of them just might consider doing a program or several programs about the Autism epidemic. I ask that you would please take the time to submit to both of them a request to do programing in April or even sooner if they could, about autism. The more they hear from us I feel they have to take heart and do something. PLEASE feel free to copy and paste this and share it with others. Thank you for being my brother's voice. We are his only voice, together we need to make our voices heard.
~Making a difference in the lives of children with autism one puzzle piece at a time.~
They can be reached via the following links:
The Oprah Winfrey Show
http://www.oprah.com/email/reach/email_showideas.jhtml The Dr. Phil Show
http://www.drphil.com/email/email_phil_show.jhtml If you don't have the time to do this, the following is a generic comment that you simply copy/paste in the appropriate sections at the sites mentioned above:
VACCINE MERCURY: Mercury and Thimerosal (49.6% mercury) have been shown in thousands of scientific papers to be potent neurotoxins. From 1991 to 1999, the standard U.S. vaccination schedule provided 187.5 micrograms of mercury injected directly into most infants by age six months, with up to 138 times the EPA mercury guidelines at one sitting. Infants also received mercury at levels more than 50 times EPA mercury guidelines at multiple other sittings.
Our nation has seen a huge upsurge in the prevalence of developmental disorders in children since 1991 when they tripled mercury in infant and young children vaccines. It is the second most toxic element on the planet, has been banned from topical use, from batteries, from thermometers, is known to cause birth defects and nuerological damage, and in 2004-5 is still being injected into
infants, pregnant moms, & others.
America went from NO children with autism in 1940 to a January 2004 CDC A.L.A.R.M. states 1 in 166 children have autism spectrum disorders and 1 in 6 children have developmental/behavioral disorders. Both are epidemic. (Mercury has recently found in Alzheimers brains - another new disease epidemic).
The 1999 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Thimerosal says it can cause:
"Nervous System and Reproduction Effects; Effects of exposure include fetal changes; Mercury Poisoning may occur; Exposure in children may cause mild to severe Mental Retardation; hypersensitivity to Mercury is a medical condition aggravated by exposure; Hazardous Substance, Toxic Waste Disposal."
Why does this need to be ingected into our babies at birth?