Domo-kun [°,,,°]/)) again ...

May 07, 2009 02:12

Hi there (°^°)/))

Apparently I'm an epic fail when it comes to livelournal entries :'D
Oh well...  good thing that it's not like someone really cares

How have u been all this time?
°..° when was the last time I wrote anyway ? Let's see...O____O" EH?! Half a year?
...that can't be true xDDD
Well...*cough* anyway
I somehow managed to get to my final exams ...BUT its awful :D
Might as well just stay in my favorite corner and talk to all the cute dustbunnies °-°
Elina here (yeah i gave them names ... xD) really appreciates the time I spent in the corner (~.~)

I hope that u are all doing well in whatever you are doing :)

I'll try to stay more in touch with my journal from now on xD

bai bai (°-°)/)))
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