Oct 19, 2011 23:23


★  Membership is currently only open to LiveJournal account owners.

★  Membership will only be approved for "active" LJ users.  "Active" here means that the account must have an estimated average of 1 posted comment per month since join date.  We do not look at if your journal is updated or not.

★  All entries posted here must be related to Kyomoto Taiga.

★  No bashing of people (Taiga, other Johnny’s, community members, basically just everyone). Criticism is acceptable, insults are not. Be considerate.

★  Derogatory, discriminative and profane content or language is not allowed.

★  Do not post contents that have been posted before. Exception to this rule applies if you are sharing:
(1) something relatively different or has better quality (media) than what was previously shared.
(2) something that was linked to an external link that has been locked.
You may use the media masterpost, scan & translation masterpost and tags to help you check. Note: The masterposts do not include posts with locked external links.

★  Strictly no posting of ripped official videos from Johnny’s Net or TakiChannel.  Members found posting any of these in the community or on their own LJ will be removed without warning.

★  Never use/hotlink any of the download links posted here outside the community without the uploader's permission. Ask when re-posting anything unless it's already clearly stated in the post.

★ Do not repost or reupload files if the source provider does not allow it.  It is best to ask for permission and find out if the source wants to be credited or not.

Specifics about POSTS
★  All posts in the community must be members-locked.
★  Use English. Other languages are permitted in translation posts and comments.
★  Use LJ-cut for long entries that takes up a lot of space. What is an LJ-cut?
★  Only two or less preview images not exceeding 400 x 400 pixels is allowed outside a cut.
★  Use default font type, size and colour outside a cut.
★  Please tag your entries and give it a title.
★  Do not disable comments.
★  External links are allowed only if it remains unlocked for at least 5 days from the date of posting here. Exception to this rule only applies to subbing communities who are allowed to link to locked entries.

The rules may be amended if deemed necessary.

If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to contact your fellow fans:

kelwy [ PM ]  or
ozawa_chan [ PM ]

! mod post

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