Title: 3 days (what kind of title? XD)
Pairings: ToraxHiroto
Ratings: err... hard R ?
comments: my very first 'leads to porn' fanart. oh kamisama... forgive me XD for
acu_saree, this fanart is made for you, as the payback of your fic. don't complain because i'm not a good artist XP i'll never stop torturing you with fluff! hohoho....
big fail fanart inside )
Draw more~~~
And I see you're currently into Alice Nine? ^^
hmm... actually, from music side, i'm still into dir en grey (of course! *nods*) but exceptance for Tora vecause he's hot and i like him molesting hiroto. XDDD
I'm fine with them, quite flexible with my pairings. XDD
Tora is quite hot, though... I know he's hot, but I don't get the same feelings looking at him compared to when I look at Hakuei... >.>
Going by stands of tiger? Yes, he's a hot one!
How long do you think this crush would last?
only Kyo has crowned in my heart years and still no body can replace him XPPP
I still remember all my crushes, I think back and be like: Hmmm... why did I like him/her again? XD
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