Jan 17, 2006 02:00
In 2 days on January 19th @ 8pm I will be seeing INXS in concert for the first time. Since it is in 2 days I've become more BSC in the last few days so here are some rants from someone who needs to go to bed and has had a bit too much of Everclear tonight. These things will cover recent events and even some things from the Rockstar:INXS show.
Note some things to remember *OB can mean Our Boy or Our band and OB/OB means both. *BSC is Batshit Crazy. *Mahtee is Marty. *PV is Pretty Vegas. *BINXS refers to the band members of INXS, its like a pet name. *Bwak Bwak is Brooke Bourke *Miggles is MiG Ayesa *Asscake go buy the RS:I DVD that came out and you will be pleasantly suprised!
1) Marty fans need to stop mixing the crickity crack in with their kool aid! Marty DID NOT write PV and he SHOULD NOT at all get credit for it! (Jordis too). The reason the BINXS didn't take them to court? Well OB clearly stated in their undercover interview that
They did not want the song or band to get bad karma from it [karma meaning bad media/press attention]
They just found a new lead singer that is what people should be focusing on not some mousy looking Mahtee boy who he deserves credit. But what I'm glad OB/OB did do was cut Marty and The Lovehammers out of the second leg of their tour. I'm just sad I have to put up with it because I'm going to the Seattle show which is the second show on the 1st leg.
I swear if I see ANY Mahtee fans starting s**t with their fugly MartyCasey.Org bracelets I will be PO'ed!
Now listen I'm not completely biased, really I'm not. I used to be both Mahtee/JD and I voted for both up until I realised OB was more roit for OB. I always thought Marty was a Bradon Flowers mixed with a Franz Ferdinand tossed with some Nickelback and a dash of Kurt Cobain. Which is NOT INXS at all, what so ever.
That being said I do wish him the best, I really do but I do not think he will 'outshine' or 'outsell' INXS. Believe what you will Mahtee fans. I also can't stand to hear him, not because I can't stand the way he screams his lyrics or because his scary mad conductor ways could frighten the toughest Gwar fan. I can't him because of the way he carried himself throught the show (last half atlease) and with the PV credits issue.
OKAY on to #2.....
2)I wish Neal Carlson had stayed longer. Yes from the second I saw him I thought 'OMG its Mick Jagger!!' too but I think that there were others that should have left before him. Namely Ty or Tara.
Short compared to the last one huh? Well hold on cause the next one is a little lenghty....
3)Ty shouldn't have played the racism card. I absolutely despise when people do that. Ty got voted off because he was not riot for OB not because he was black. Ugh. Ty has some serious bitterness issues to deal with. Not only was it disrespectful to OB but it was disrespectful to everyone in the audience and everyone watching. Ty was not versitile enough for BINXS and thats why he got the boot. Infact when it comes down to it Ty I DID NOT LIKE YOU and I'm BLACK! So that just goes to show you that unless I'm a racist against my own people (which I am not) Ty even your 'own people' as you put it voted against you, you suck.
4) Wil totally killed that Heroes song by David Bowie and by killed I don't mean a good job. He murdered it, molested it of all that was good in it. As The Bowie would put it "This ain't Rock 'n' Roll, This is genocide!". Also, that eye raping he gave everyone sunk deep down into our core and not only violated your body but it reached down deeper to violate your internal organs too. While we are on it I was shocked that Tara was not voted for her terrible redition of 'Suffragette City'.
5)Bwak Bwak isn't that hott. There I said it, spork me if you will but it looks like shes had one too many plastic surgeries for me. (Coming from a chick, a straight one).
6)Miggles reminds me of Seal. Maybe its because he sang Kissed By a Rose a little too well I don't know but I think he would do best singing those types of songs rather than 'traditional rock'.
7)Asscake is sex. Do I even need to write more?
8)Suzy was the best girl there. I really liked Suzy and I'm glad she made it that far even if she did whine alot and stirr up trouble for OB sometimes.
Okay THATS IT done for now its 2:47, I started this at 2....WOW is all I can say you can comment back if you want but keep in mind all of this that I stated was fact IMO so you can like it or not. *lifts up last shot of everclear* CHEERS!!