I said I'll be on hiatus for a while but lol I don't think this can't wait till February~ XD; I'd like to thank the people who sent me Christmas cards ^_^ I just received some of them, but thaaaanks~ /o/
morephaileffect: First card I received! Thank you so much for the Muku-owl origami XD So cuuuute~ ♥
wmei: Yamamotooooo~! Hahaha~ thank you for the awesome sketch! *huggles* And your letter was amusing to read lol~ (Yes, my postal code is only a few numbers away from being 1880 hahaha~~ )
hikaru89: Imouto-chaaaaan's caaaaard :D *huggles* Thank yooou! Yes, let's do our best, okay? :3 Also, thanks for the doujins~~~ *huggles some mooooore*
gabriela_gosden: Hahaha! I finally received your card :3 Thank you so muuuuch! ♥ Yamamoto and Hibird~~~~ Eeeee~~ So cuuuute *huggles drawing*
ruby_dream: Ruby-chaaaaan, received your card today lol :'DDD Neko!1880 wrapped in ribbons aaaaaaaa~~~ *huggles them booooth* Thank you for the lovely drawing :3
It's good to hear that some of you received my cards ~ glad you like it ^^; I'll try my best not to be this year lol XDDD;;;
And I owe a lot of people gifts! Eep! Sorry, sorry about the delay but I promise to have a gift post once everything is settled =v=;;;; Especially to
amoyr eep! *stabs self*
Also, just someting I scribbled when I was listening to Hetalia's drama CD~~ (TBH, it's something for a Hetalia meme XDDD;;;;;)
America's seiyuu is so amusing to listen to X'DDDD England's seiyuu reminds me of Hijikata+Yamazaki of Gintama for some weird reasons ;;;; Russia is so creepy but so adorable (if that even made sense XDDD)
It's surprising to know that this fandom is surrounded with so much wank and issues even though Hetalia was meant to be a gag web comic ;;;; I wonder if the creator of Hetalia intended to have such feed backs;;; Nonetheless, I still like Hetalia XDDD It made me flip some of the pages in my World History books XDDD;;;; no, I'm not looking a UK/Japan link whatareyoutalkingabout*killed*