I have this blog dedicated to Eroica. In this blog I mainly do Eroica fic recs and fic translations into Japanese but I also translate Japanese Eroica fics into English and introduce wonderful Eroica fanart by Japanese fans.
You can read BasilLeave’s fantastic fic ‘Holy Night・At the Hide Out’ here:
http://relishschokolade.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-27.htmlA snippet ‘An Etude (A Study)’ by Murasame Kousyu-san with a beautiful drawing of Dorian by Yutsuki-san:
http://relishschokolade.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-24.html The FANART section can be found here:
http://relishschokolade.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-6.htmlThe page is password locked. The password is the first name of the character of my User Pic! If you cannot get into the page, PM me.
Enjoy and happy Xmas to you all!