~tagged by
arimi_skywalker with letter 'N'
Comment me & I'll give you a letter. You must then proudly take that letter and list 10 things you enjoy that begin with it!
01. Nobuta ! I like Nobuta wo Produce ^^ Not as much as Gokusen 2 but I like it ^^
02. Night. When it's all dark and everybody is sleeping. There was times I wanted to go out, in the woods but as there are prostitutes and such I must avoid it.
03. Nails. I loooove doing my nails. (so glad this word begin with an 'n' in english ^^") I love puting on nail polish and then creating great designs with strass, hearts, flowers, tears, butterflies, etc. But I hate how my job always breaks my nails.
04. Narimiya ^^. Hiroki Narimiya is my second love. I discovered him in Gokusen and when everyone was starring at MatsuJun I searched who was this so cute boy ^^.
05. Nightmare. Or Naitomea as you wish. Visual band. Even if Yomi is too stupid to take care of himself.
06. Net. The net is my life. Sad you think ? I don't ^^ I go out but I prefer my computer, that's all ^^
07. NCS. Maybe I'm sick but if people write it then they too are sick. I consider myself as normal. It's only fiction.
08. New. I like making new friends, understanding new things, discovering new places.
09. [Nya]. For subbing Sapuri (and other).
10. Neko. Her penname. I really enjoyed beeing with her.
Done =___=" Muzukashi ne.
It was hard. I couldn't find anything at the begining. 45mins at the least.