.....for that VERY important date known as
blueutopiah's birthday!!
I had every intention of posting this on her special day, but when I got to the hotel in Williamsburg, I discovered that the one and ONLY computer they had in their 'Business Office' was broken. It was a sign, I tell you... a sign... get a laptop!!
I only hope, Blue, that you had a
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And I just feel (and have for a long time now) that my character is 'window dressing' and not at all intrinsic to the 'mission'. Especially this one, since the two of them have introduced new characters to the group; one of which is an explosives expert (which is one of my character's fields of expertise and one of the reasons she's supposedly on the 'mission').
I've actually come to the decision last night that I'm going to email the group and tell them that once we've finished this particular leg of the 'mission' and are back at the so-called 'safehouse', my character is going to be called away and won't be around any long... as will I.
Like I told hcolleen, I'd much rather play in the YYH and bishie bois world than the roll-playing group.
And I'm going shopping this weekend (need to get the first volumn of 'Trinity Blood' since John Burgmeier (K's voice) is not only the head writer, but has a major role in it), so I'll be getting the frame for your pic!
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