Sorry for the lack of responses in the last few days. When I haven't been in class, I've either been doing homework or sleeping. I discovered a bit too late that my decongestant meds had a "drowsiness" side effect. Combined with the fact that I was sick anyway, that might explain why I slept for 16 hours Tuesday. Oh, and it also gave me horrible indigestion. I really should check side effects before taking meds.
To celebrate my almost full recovery, I beat Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
It was... a bit anticlimactic. I literally lol'ed at the final cutscene between Ike and Yune. It was supposed to be a dramatic moment, but the awkward voice acting made it narm-tastic. The dialogue itself was a bit cheesy, but the way it was delivered pushed it over the top. Why couldn't they have left it as text?
Also, because I didn't realize that Ike had to land the final blow on Ashera (the endgame boss), I killed her with one of my other characters... and then watched in horror as she revived and regained ALL 120 OF HER HP. So then I had to kill her again, all while she was spamming magic and status effects on EVERY CHARACTER ON THE SCREEN. (And did I mention that if you don't take her from 120 to 0 HP in one turn, she heals?) I managed to kill her a second time but it seems that I still didn't learn my lesson. I finally realized on the third try that Ike should land the final blow. Thank goodness she's dead. I never want to do that again. Figuring out how to deal 120 damage each turn without getting someone killed was a nightmare.
Also, Sothe and Micaiah (two of the main characters) get married, according to the endgame credits. My response was something along the lines of
Not so much because I like the pairing (though I do)... But guess what I named my pair of Eevee plush!
That's right. My Pokemon plush pairing is now CANON! I think I just reached a new level of nerddom.
My biggest regret is that I never did get the special conversation with Soren in the final chapter. D: I looked up the requirements and it appears that I missed a few. And I also missed two recruitable characters because they aren't available on the first play-through. The only logical conclusion: guess I'll have to play the game again. I know, life is hard, isn't it? 8D
Which brings me to my next question: does anyone own the Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn guidebook or know what's in it?
I've considered buying it, not so much for the guide itself, but because it's probably the closest thing I can get to an official art book. (To the best of my knowledge, Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn never got one.) I know that some Nintendo guides feature art that isn't released in the game and/or character bios, but I'm not sure if the Fire Emblem guides have those extras... It would be kind of nice to know before I bought one. (And I can't just run to my local game store and check because there are no game stores around my college campus.)
Day 5: Grass. Do you really need to ask?
Day 6: Ice
This one is hard because I love so many ice types. But Articuno was the first one that I fell in love with.
I remember being so depressed as a 10 year old because I could not catch it. My Charizard kept OHKO'ing it and Masterballs were out of the question because I used mine on a Weezing.
As a side note, this sprite is still one of my favorites after five generations
Day 7: Fighting
I never noticed, but apparently Breloom has no elbows... or arms. Weird.
Day 1: Normal
Day 2: Fire
Day 3: Water
Day 4: Electric
Day 5: Grass
Day 6: Ice
Day 7: Fighting
Day 8: Poison
Day 9: Ground
Day 10: Flying
Day 11: Psychic
Day 12: Bug
Day 13: Rock
Day 14: Ghost
Day 15: Dragon
Day 16: Dark
Day 17: Steel