My fall break is now over. It wasn't nearly as much fun as I hoped, but I suppose my expectations were too high. I miss the days when I would dress up for Halloween and trick-or-treat with my friends. (Most of my college friends don't get into the Halloween spirit because they're too busy.) I also miss Halloween brownies, but something tells me that my family is the only one in the country to list "Halloween brownies" as a holiday tradition.
I did go to a haunted house with a group of friends. It wasn't as terrifying as I thought it would be, but I'll admit that I screamed a few times. Like when I was chased by a man with a chainsaw. My best friend was clinging to my arm almost the entire time, and I had a death grip on her as well because it was too dark to see where I was going. I almost fell down the stairs more than once.
The next night my parents and I went to a haunted corn maze. I probably should have expected it to be bad, but my father had heard some good things about it from work. To put it bluntly, it sucked. The only entertaining part was hearing the younger kids scream, and even that got old after a while.
I've been listening to Owl City a lot lately, and I love most of their songs! It's been about 4 years since I found a band I consistently liked. (The last one was Skillet, in case anyone is wondering.) One of my friends informed me that they will be playing at her university for free! I applied to that university (and was accepted with a large scholarship), but I chose to go to an out-of-state school (which doesn't give any scholarships) because they had a special engineering/art program that I wanted to major in. Sometimes I think the world is mocking me for turning down a "free ride" at the state universities.
The rest of my break was spent shipping items from my sales post, doing homework (though I still have a lot to finish since I only did the "easy" work over break), and riding on planes.
Those of you from pkmncollectors probably saw all the Pokemon items I received in the mail. I also bought a few other figures. I don't normally buy non-Pokemon figures because of the cost and the number of bootlegs online, but I finally decided to buy these two after passing them up during their last release.
Sanji and Shanks figures from One Piece. For those of you who don't know, I'm a huge One Piece nerd. It's one of the best, if not THE best, manga series that I've read. One Piece is probably the only reason I kept my sanity last semester, especially during finals and final projects.
These two figures are from a series called Portrait of Pirates, and they're incredibly detailed. (It's a good thing I don't have a full time job, or I would probably end up buying the entire set.) Sanji even comes with his own cigarette.
And it fits perfectly between his fingers without falling. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I find it hilarious. (Was there really a need to make a model cigarette that's smaller than my little finger?)
And Shanks' cape is removeable. :D
Each of the bases has the character's name and their flag.
Speaking of manga, I just finished reading Skip Beat! for the second time in 3 months. It's a shoujo series about an average girl who enters the entertainment industry to get revenge on her childhood boyfriend (who just so happens to be the #1 pop idol in Japan). As she begins to rise to fame, she befriends Japan's top actor, and he eventually falls in love with her. (Because that would totally happen in the real world.) And the media is nowhere to be seen throughout all of this.
I read the first chapter years ago and thought it was a corny, unrealistic depiction of the entertainment industry that was aimed at preteen girls. I recently decided to give the series a second chance because it was so popular, and after I got past the first five chapters I couldn't put it down. Surely I'm not the only one who does this...
Which leads me to the question: Has anyone else hated a book/movie/TV series upon first glance, then loved it once they gave it a second chance? I want to hear your stories.