
Oct 30, 2008 16:22

wow its ben awhile since a posted a rant ne? lol anyways~

so 2morrow is halloween *yay!* and i have no idea wut im gonna b >.< but a least i get to go trick-or-treating with my peeps this year! Kat is gonna b jack sparrow and walk around with a pickle jar filled with dirt XD kristina is gonna b a vampire, and hinata is gonna b...umm..herself i guess lol its gonna b a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnngggg night 2morrow =]]]

in other news~

Wensday is the DIRU concert!!~im so excited!!  im missing skool that day......even though i have a test in english :pp

and Friday is my sister's wedding! wow its gonna b a busy week lol

....aaaannnnddddd thats it for today's rant =]] bai bai~

oh! and Happy Halloween guys~

random concert yay

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