There's no place like home? Dorthy was a dip-shit.

Apr 12, 2006 03:33

So I've been bogged down with lots of homework, test, projects, and obligations to various student orgs.  But underneith it all my home life has been spectacular.  My "pox on society" sibling left home 3 weeks ago...and things here at home has been awesome.  The phone doesn't ring all day AND after 2am.  There has been pop, cereal, and other foods in the house because she hasn't been here to devour it.  I could sleep through the night cause there isn't an idiot in the next room laughing like a fucking baboon in the next room on the phone.  The house has been cleaner, mom hasn't had a computer problem, and the house smells better even though the dog has an ear infection.  Most importantly...the relationship between me and my parents has gotten better as well...mainly cause we're not fighting about the ignorant bitch that had no respect for anyone but herself and me begging them to kick her out of the house.

So on top of getting raped by the IMSE teaching assistant (who decided to let us work on a retake exam for 60 of our alotted 90 mins before telling us he gave us the wrong exam), my grandmother going to the hospital with a broken leg (possibly needing her replacement hip replaced again if it was damaged in the fall), to top this all off......

[/EDIT] thanks for pointing it out bro, my grandmother is awesome

Stay the fuck in Ohio.  No one wants you back.  You left under your own free will and I threw a fucking party.  Life away from home isn't the party you thought it would be?  TOUGH FUCK!!!!  Don't come back.  Mom was like "oh, there will be conditions of her return".  Right.  I give it about 2 weeks before everything goes back to the sespool of fucking misery it was before the bitch left.

And to top it off.....have you heard about this yet?  This was the true icing on the cake.  I want five minutes alone with this stupid bitch.  Your job is 911 operator....if someone calls for help, you get it to them.  If it's a prank, oh well.....cause if it's not someone could DIE.  I don't advocate violence against women and would step in if I saw it happen....but this whore needs it.  You know what the little boy said on the tv news???  All I want is my mommy back.  That jerked a tear out of me.  Seeing as they won't let me beat her within an inch of the life she no longer deserves, I have an alternate punishment: lock her up in prison, and because she spent 8 hours a day ignoring people's cries for help, force her to listen to the 911 call she ignored, followed by the boy's statement that was on the news, and then "This is what you get for being an asshole you worthless fuck!" and have it loop for 8 hours a day.  That is appropriate.  Too harsh you say?  There is a six year old who now has to grow up without this mother cause the fuck-wad answering the phone at 911 told him to "quit play'n on da phone bah-fo I call da po-lice".  I'm too upset to continue writing.

If I seem/seemed "on edge" since Monday, you can chalk it up to the now three (yes 3) final projects, trying to pass IMSE 317, and dealing with the fact that one of the 911 bitches that ignores calls for help will get to work while the investigation is going on, but more than's wishing I lived in satan's ass hole instead of my house.
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