cross-posted to
teamunemployed Favorite job app questions so far:
"How will employment for this dead-end clothing franchise in the middle of nowhere advance your career o young and promising undergrad whose aspirations could not possibly extend beyond retail?"
"If you really needed it, would you take a break?"
Sixteen applications later and not so much as a call back, having knocked on the door of every business in town with summer job hunt season waning, I decided to look for other productive ways to occupy my time.
❧ Tackle a project (work on my art; practice working with new media I'd learned about the past year; also, work with friends to make things to sell for an arts & crafts fair in the fall)
❧ Build my resume (volunteer as an interpreter at the hospital where my mom works. I have four years of high school French under my belt, and patients from francophonic African countries often don't speak much English; the dialect's different, but I should be able to help the doctors communicate with these patients a little better. As an Intl. Affairs major, this will look great on my resume!)
❧ Odd jobs (helping friends, babysitting)
❧ Get my license. Freakin' FINALLY. I'm really close. I've been really close for going on two years. Now I finally have time to practice.
❧ Look for more funding for school (applied to a grant to study in China for a year)
I'd rather have some steady income. However, this is better than my fruitless job search, or sitting on my hands next to the phone. If nothing else, I can say the summer didn't go to waste. Maybe I'll gain some experience while I'm at it.
P.S. If one more person on my Facebook list complains about their job... |D;