Well that is the last time I make an entry before breakfast. Look how negative I am before toast and tea. It is terrible!
My day has gone like this;
「The Mymble ☆☆☆」 says:
i am doing that thing where i'm worrying about wotk but not actually doing it =/
Tristan ☭ says:
I KNOW that EXACT feeling
Tristan ☭ says:
THinking , its due in soon and im running out of time, but not actually doing it, and making the deadline get closer
「The Mymble ☆☆☆」 says:
and then i think, oh i'll just calm my nerves with tea and the internet
and then that's another few hours gone and i STILL havent done it
and the cycle begins again
Tristan ☭ says:
YES, and you find yourself doing rediculous things on the internet to just keep the time going
「The Mymble ☆☆☆」 says:
i had 23 tabs open the other night...
this is terrible addiction
Tristan ☭ says:
Instead of "How many do you smoke a day?"
"How many tabs a day?"
「The Mymble ☆☆☆」 says:
i wonder if you can get a tab-patch....
I have spent most of my internet time today gawping at beauties on
pinkhair . I desperately want pink hair again now. I first dabbled in it when I was 12 and went to a festival where a lady with vair cool dreads was doing those little wax-in extensions. I chose two candy pink ones in the front of my hair and she put them in/trimmed so nicely that it looked like I'd dyed my own hair. Even my parents were fooled! They stayed in for about 4 months and I loved them so much I bought a little kit to do it myself (like
this) but I never got it to look as good =(
Two years later, when my hair was beginning to get mullety, I bleached slices of my hair and dyed them bright pink which was AWESOME. Weirdly, my school said nothing when it was fluorescent and only made a fuss when it had faded to a very very light peach. I dyed black over it which went green. That was fun!
I would love long peach-pink hair now. I saw lots of girls in Japan with that hair colour and it looked lovely!!! Sadly I think it is only a distant dream as there is no way to bleach henna'd hair without it going bright orange (This is because henna migrates into the hair follicles and binds with the keratin so bleaching only drives it further in- bit of science for you there). Besides, I am quite enjoying life as a ginger atm (I re-gingered it since my last hair post and it is quite red! I keep meaning to take picture but alas I am very lazy). Maybe I will get a wig, who knows?
See, I have just wasted time talking about my hair-dreams when I could have been making wallpaper. Such is life.