(no subject)

Feb 14, 2010 00:04

Er, hello there F-list! I realise I am a very sporadic updater but I do my best! I have been very behind on all things internet because I am a busy bee who worries far too much about getting into university (Ooooh, don't you love unintentional rhyming?. I have been reading bits and pieces of your journals but don't really have time to comment.

Back to unis, here is my schedule for the next 2 weeks-

16th Feb- Interview at Middlesex (This is the one I want to go to most so I'm a bit scared that it's the first!)
18th Feb- Interview at Bournemouth (Don't particularly want to go here. I feel a bit silly now as I only put it down because Bethan's there and I am a huge sheep.)
19th Feb- Interview at UEL (Second choice after Middlesex and apparently not as competitive)
3rd March- Interview at UCA Epsom (4th choice, the course looks good but it's a bit too close to home)
23rd March- Interview at Bath Spa (Joint 2nd choice with UEL. Beautiful beautiful place.)

Uuuuggghhh, I hope they go well! I had a mock interview on Friday which I apparently did very well in (My tutor said I am very confident when I talk, haha. That's actually just me overcompensating when I get nervous- I tend to speak more loudly and clearly and loose my estuary twang a bit). I am prepared to answer all the stupid questions like "If you were a chocolate bar, what would you be?" and "Which member of Girls Aloud would you save from a burning building?" (Yes, these HAVE been asked at interviews) as well as the scary serious ones such as "What do you have to offer to this course?" and "Do you think you're the best?". Eeep!
Man, my last post was miserable. Thank you for all your lovely comments (I know it's a bit late now but they really did mean something to me, all of them. I feel awful for not replying now). I promise I am much happier now although I am still being pseudo-bullied by a crazy girl. I am doing my best to ignore her though as I know the problem lies with her, not me. Usually, I absolutely hate it when people use "Ooooh, they're just ~jealous~" to justify not being liked by someone but I really think this is part of the reason she has such a problem with me. Not because I'm particularly beautiful or clever or talented or anything but because I am, all in all, quite a happy person and quite enjoy being me. She has very low self esteem and when I'm pleased with or have  achieved something, she will generally pick it apart and make whatever it is seem meaningless and not an achievement or reason to be happy at all with that's sort of "I'm miserable so everyone else has to be too" attitude. To be honest, I sort of feel sort for her more than anything else.

Uuuuggggghhhh! Enough about that! In another news, I am now ginger again! Here is a very scary photo from last night. VERY SCARY INDEED.

With Zoe (a fine example of natural titian goodness) for comparison. I know everyone says this when they post photos of new hair but it actually looks much nicer in real life. It's quite a dark auburn-red with ginger bits. I love henna!

I have been playing an inordinate amount of Pokemon lately. It has actually become a horrible addiction and I now have gamer's cramp in both arms >=(
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