Hello hello

Aug 03, 2009 19:57

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I've been meaning to do a big fat update for about...er...2 months. I don't know why I haven't done it recently. At first I was busy with exams, then when they ended I suddenly became incredibly popular and was out every day. Now I have no excuse, I am just very very lazy and quite enjoy doing nothing all day.

So! In order to get myself back into the routine of...er..not being lazy, here is a little update on the interesting events of the last few weeks. This is only Part I as it takes me much longer than it should to put these things together

Charlottex2 Unbirthday Picnic
As Charlie and I really enjoyed our little gathering at the zoo last year, we decided to join forces again this year to create an incredible picnic with not one but two delicious cakes.
Well, the whole day certainly was delicious and incredible! Spent the day surrounded by my fantastic frilly friends (as well as a few non-frillies. I brought along Martha and Bethan and there were the usual array of +1s including Dom, DeMc and Marcouscous) eating tasty things, taking photos and playing wink murder. I have now discovered how fun pretending to die dramatically is and that some of my friends are a little too good at it (Alex, DeMc, Briarley!).
I can't thank Jessica enough for setting up Pass the Parcel! It was barrels of fun...until I got roped into doing a forfeit in which Charlie, Alex, Marcus and I had to carry Dom around "like a queen". He is not light by any means!

Lots of pictures were taken by the lovely Briarley. Here are my favourites-

The aformentioned forfeit. I love how Alex and Marcus look like they're genuinely in agony as Charlie and I laugh in the face of...er...heavyness?

Martha trying to stuff as many many marshmallows in her mouth as possible. Definitely amusing!

A photo to demonstrate the full effect of my new-found gingerdom- look at how bright it is! Actually, when I first Henna'd it, it was very very red and glowed a radioactive shade of orange in the sun, it was hideous! I went over it again with some black henna an it turned this shade which I'm quite pleased with =)

While enjoying a game of Duck Duck Goose (or Loli Loli Loli Ta as we've dubbed it), we met Wolfgang- a huge, excitable poodle. Isn't he cute?! 8D

Cake! Charlie's was delightfully pink and sparkly, mine was white, gold and adorned with a unicorn (and handmade. I was so proud, haha). Both were equally yummy!

Fighting poses! Actually, I think the point of this picture was to show off out sparkly clothing....none of which are showing up in the photo.

Lolitas live in trees. Apparently so do DeMcs.

I enjoyed this meet so much! I'm so lucky to have such fun, interesting, exciting and beautiful friends that I can dress up with, meet up with and generally have a laugh with =)

Annie's Disney Gathering
Finally the chance to see the group of college friends I hadn't had the chance to see since Recluse Month began! We did...well, exactly what it says on the tin- pile into Annie's living room (quite literaly) and watch as many Disney movies as we could manage with intervals of food and dog-walking. I can't even remember all we watched now but you can bet we all sang along very loudly and badly to every single song whether we knew the words or not.

Walking Annie's dog in Alice Holt forest was equally delightful. We ran around like mad things on mad tablets, climbed trees and created a new religion devoted to Maleficent....erm...

When we got back, Martha and I somehow ended up cooking chips an garlic bread for everyone and then cleaning Annie's entire kitchen. We didn't even realise we were doing the cleaning, we were just having one of our rambling chats about...bacon (probably) and when we were finished it seemed the kitchen. If only I could be like this at home...

Numbers dwindled until only Annie, Zoe, Martha and I remained at about 3am. We were so sleepy that Annie suggested that instead of faffing around with duvets an sleeping bags and duvets, we should snuggle up in her parents king size bed (her parents were away). So Annie, Zoe and I hopped in and Martha decided to sleep lying across the foot of the bed like a faithful fringey doggy. She took this photo of us-

Another one from that day; At this point, Tom was getting Zoe and I to skip whilst holding on to him, pulling him along like his own personal....skipping horses. It looks like I'm floating, haha!

Okay, that's it for now! Hopefully I can post Part II tomorrow if I'm not feeling too lazy. Part II contains a toga party, my actual birthday the House of Lol and a few extras!

Oh, and according to this new 'Detect' feature, I now live in Essex. Er....

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