Nov 12, 2008 16:59
Have to go to work in 30 minutes. Hopefully it'll be busy today. It's so much fun, when it's busy!!
I finished the Lickle Ted kit (I'll post pics once I finished Strawberry Bunny) and will buy a red frame for it. Once it's framed I'll bring it to the christmas party of my work-place and if there is no gift-giving it will be my christmas present for my grand-cousin Phil.
Don't know who to give the card to. Maybe to my Secret Santa partner but on the other hand I'll stitch her something small (the letter H as her name is Helen)
I ordered 36 skeins of DMC for the christmas presents for Mercedes and Melissa. Hopefully I'll finish it in time as Melissas is kinda big (well bigger than the one for Mercedes xD) Because I only needed 22 skeins for that I got some other for some Robin tree ornaments (Robins sind Spatzen glaube ich) and two letters (H for Helen and B for Bianka as she loves pinguins and the B in my chart has a pinguin)
Also I got a new big piece of white 14ct Aida as you never can have enough 14ct Aida. I only have 11ct and 18ct white Aida and 16ct antique white one.
So now~ on the 10th december I'll have my first stitching jubilee (I started stitching in elementary school but last year I restarted it seriously) and I want to get a prsent for myself. I decided for a chart I normally wouldn't buy. I'll add pics and links later because I don't have much time left.
So the question is~ a Mirabilia chart, a Celtic Rose chart-pack or something from Heaven and Earth?
Mirabilia has really really lovely designs but I would have to buy Kreinik (which is blending filament floss) and lots of beads, which would get expensive. Also I can get cheap China-Mirabilia kits from ebay (which of course don't have a high quality)
At Celtic Rose you get one chart of your choice for free if you buy two. Great because I only would pay 10 Euro for three charts. But I don't know how the quality of their charts is. Are they as detailed as it's shown on the pics? (I should make an entry about that on the stitcher comm)
And well I said enough about HAED and how much I love their charts. I could start my BIG Tarot project or make a fairy tale design!!
I know that nobody will comment on this, because it's uninteresting for most of you, but who cares?