Shige greetingsssss.

Jul 11, 2009 18:39

**cue entrance music (Lolx.) It seems like I've been spending too much time dwelling on the tragedy of Marissa Cooper and Ryan Atwood.

Iam back with birthday greetings and them some. lolx.

Kato Shigeaki (KKKitty, NEWS) celebrates his 22nd birthday today. He's this law student/JE idol and has an elite complex, but the members (say, NISHIKIDO? TESSHI?) reaaaaaaaaally adore bullying him in various ways. but i like him, he's quite the character, and I have a thing for smart boys doing dramas and being in pop groups. it's also nice to know that Koyamama actually acknowledges the names KoyaShige on national TV. lolx. Shige, otanjoubi omedetou! :D

i've been reading a lot these days. reading and listening and watching things that i don't usually take the time to notice (meaning Western stuff, given that i'm all hyped up about Johnny's since June 2008). it's nice to know i can still be in this world.

and i guess one irony is that sometimes when loving somebody else too much, people choose to hate instead, because it is so much easier to hate than to love; hate only acknowledges feelings and impulse, as compared to love that has lots of other complications. still the counterpart also holds true-- people who hate too much don't know when they start falling in love instead, because too much strong emotions force us to involuntarily think of those people we hate, and before we know it we miss them already and want them to be part of our lives. because with loving comes acceptance, and people normally use love to shield themselves from the hurt that other people cause them.



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