Pon! --and Nino--

Jun 17, 2009 04:03


I'm really abusing LJ now aren't I? haha, I still have no effing idea how Multiply 4.0 [WTF IS THAT] even works.

hmmmn, first of all, otanjoubi omedetou Kazapon!!

Kazapon=Kazama Shunsuke=Page-san (Akihabara@Deep)=Oldest in 4TOPS

Kazapon's 26 already, and even though I still hold something against the fact that he's not going to be debuting, I'm very happy that he's active as a stageplay actor and that he has reaaaaaaaally good friends from way back (this is why I fell in love with Jrs. from the Golden Era-- TxT, Arashi, SanOssan, 4TOPS+Jimmy, KanJani). Abs-sensei, otanjoubi Omedetou :) Aishite imasu ♥♥♥♥

And then, there's Kazunari. HE HAS THE SAME BIRTHDATE {yes even the year! 17JUNE1983} as Kazapon, and well, yes he debuted earlier and he's extremely popular and has made a name in Hollywood {Letters From Iwo Jima uhmmmmmm}. OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU Nino! I like him because of those sad eyes, and he's such a sweetheart and natural tsukkomi lolx. ♥♥ ♥♥

Aaaaaand, I guess it wouldn't be weird if I say this, but my sister turned 26 yesterday (16JUNE), and I find it a bit unusual that the JE boys I like so much are the same age as my sister. She's a Jun-kun fan, brought about by the cooking drama that is Bambino. hsssssh. :)

thesis topic (YES TOPIC, NOT EVEN THESIS PROPER) still halfheartedly done, writing process still blocked [well not really I'm almost writing again YAHHHAY] and schedule a bum. I'm actually thinking of the possibility of dorm-ing again, but only because travel time kills! it's not fun to travel for two hours to attend a one-hour lecture, then go home [which takes YES, another two hours] oh, and Boys Over Flowers still not watched. I'm reaaaaally not into Korean series anymore, probably because they are Do-M and like to kill characters/make them terminally ill/tend to have 3/4 of the series set so that casts and audiences are brokenhearted and/or crying?! I DON'T KNOW. But I'm not a fan anymore, the last Korean series I watched was Tree of Heaven [which they filmed in Japan so yeah, it was 11 episodes so I decided to watch it, I like short dramas that do not drag the plot thankyouverymuch] and well, those who have watched it know how sad that story was. So yeah, I'm re-thinking watching this Meteor Garden~Korea Version since Koreans are Do-M and they say I still have a bias for HYD and MG which I do, because how can you not love JVKV and JE+Yakuza roleplaying boys from Taiwan and Japan. ♥♥♥♥

I hope to finish at least the first chapter of my new work before Friday, so that I can post the prologue already [yea Iam weird because I want to type something only after the part next to it has been done nyarrrr~].

**yes I woke up at 3am to greet Kazapon and I'm still so late compared to his other fans//

awake, tanjoubi, 4tops

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