{fic} Oneshot: Moving In (Part 2)

Mar 28, 2009 22:16

Title: Moving In
Characters: Yamashita Tomohisa, Ikuta Toma, mentions of TomaPi friends and the Ikuta household.
Pairings: TomaPi, hints of Akame
Rating: PG (language)
Genre: Fluff/Crack?
Summary: Toma gets busy, and Tomohisa moves in.
Disclaimer: Mine. In my head.

a/n: self-betaed. tenses all over the place. more love for our Jam-chan. and scenes getting better, hopefully. next part will be up in about-- 2 days? waaaa i have 4 final exams and one medical admission test. save me!

OH. and here is Part 2. :) Part 1 HERE.

comments are love. :)


The room is dark, mainly because of the curtains draped over the windows. X-Japan cds are strewn over the place, clothes on the floor, and he is sure those script sheets do not appreciate being splayed randomly across the rather large space. He walks over to the table and pulls up a chair to sit on, Toma's back facing him.

“Toma. Wake up you slob.”

He pokes the mound of blankets with his hand. No answer. He waits for a full minute, and then five, but Toma's even breaths are all he hears. He grabs a piece of paper nearby, checks if it is important (and apparently it's just some random page of IkePara script which should totally have been cleared up two years ago, slob!) and scrunches it up, muttering 'idiot'. Throwing the paper ball at the lump in the bed, he gets his response as Toma stirs.


“I don't speak invalid. Try again.”

The older turns to face him, although with eyes still closed. “Don't wake me up, I'm dreaming.”

“Dreaming about what?”, Tomohisa smiles while asking.

“Nnnn. Of you.” Toma stretches, hugs his pillow closer, hair sticking out in all weird angles, and Tomohisa can't help but coo. “I dreamt that Ryuusei said you were here.” Toma twists a bit and small, shuffling feet are heard on the bed. Tomohisa looks on, and Jam is popping out of the covers around Toma's knees, Tomohisa supposes.

“That was real, you dork. He was waking you up for breakfast.” At this, Toma opens his eyes fully, stares into dark brown orbs that emit warmth and care, and he smiles rather sheepishly.


“Hey yourself. Why're you out like a log? Anything interesting happen last night? Your mobile was off,” and the younger stares because Toma's about to say an excuse, “save it I started calling at 7pm and your mobile went on at about 4:30am, damnit.”

Toma, suddenly jolted awake for some reason, scrambles out of the sheets and fumbles for his mobile, which he finds buried underneath said sheets after 3 minutes. He looks at the screen and mutters 'fuck'. 77 new messages, all from Tomo. 5 missed calls, all at around 5-ish this morning. He looks at the younger apologetically, because he really doesn't remember anything happening that might have turned off his phone. Last night he was with the cast of Voice, dinner and drinks after and Satomi borrowed his phone to call her mom and shit! He was dead drunk and without a ride, and Satomi was whispering something to Eita before the guy hailed a cab for him, borrowed his phone then gave it back quickly, and told the driver where to drop him off. The next images were of Ryuusei giving him a piggyback up to his room.

“Tomohisa I swear to you nothing happened--”

“Hmmm, it's okay, you won't have a social life for the next” he counts on his fingers, “three months anyways, maybe much more. I'm moving in.”

“--we just went out and WHAT?”

“I said,” and he sighs just so the point weighs heavier, “I'm moving in. Here. Now. With you.”

“EXCUSE ME?” and Toma's eyes are almost popping out of their sockets. Surely this isn't the best way to wake someone up, especially when said person hasn't had a decent sleep in over six months. In his vain attempt to absorb what the younger has said, he absentmindedly kicks Jam off the bed, the dog yelping sharply.

Tomohisa looks mildly in shock as he picks up the toy poodle and cuddles it in his arms. “Aww, baby, oto-san's grumpy today. Where are you hurt?” he cooes at the dog. At this, Toma fires a heated

“Explain yourself, YOU. And get your hands off Jam, my child is too young to be molested by you.”

“I'm sorry,” Tomohisa snaps right back, offended, “but the last time I checked Jam is also my child, or do you maybe want me to be convinced that Ryo and Jin both fathered my Pi-chan and Hime-chan?” He smirks, victorious at Toma's stunned expression. “Anyway,” he continues, deliciously enjoying the marked confusion and agitation that Toma's face doesn't even bother to hide, “like I said, no social life. Rehearsals, filmings, promotions, then you go home. If it's anything other than work, then you're not allowed outside unless you're with me.” He stares right into Toma's eyes, those eyes that reflect the same angry flame his own holds.

Toma faces him now, sitting up fully. He sighs, exasperated. “Let me get this straight,” he hisses venomously, “you're moving in here with me,” a nod, “and you're trying to cut off my social life,” another nod, “and you think I'll just sit and let that happen? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? No wait did you even wake up in your own bed? What has gotten into you?”

Toma is furious, but not as furious as Tomohisa. How dare he say something like that? “I didn't just suddenly think this was a good idea you know!” the younger screams, hot tears threatening to form in his eyes. “You're really an ass if you think I just woke up and said 'hey maybe I'll move in with Toma today!', you idiot. I even made Ryo and Jin and Mabudachi listen to my plans for a whole month, and I didn't care if they all said my efforts were going to be futile because you weren't going to pay attention to me, with Voice and your upcoming drama and everything else.” By now a few tears have escaped his eyes, and he wipes at them fiercely, Jam falling out of his hold in the process. The dog scampers under the bed, sensing the tense atmosphere between the two men. Toma's emotions on the other hand, are continuously switching between confused, guilty, and irritated. He wants to reach out to the younger but his pride doesn't allow him to do so.

He settles for talking right now.


“Wha-what?” is the younger's startled reply.

“What did okaa-san say to you?”

“Oh.” He thinks for a moment. “Yours or mine?”

Toma laughs at that. “Yours, of course. I'm assuming your talk with mine went well, she likes you so much. Even more than Jun.” And Toma smiles at that, not noticing the slight flinch in the younger upon the mention of a certain name.

“Didn't mind much.” He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “You know she doesn't trust anyone but you. Funny, she really thinks you're the only reason I'm sane and such a good son.” He folds his arms in front of his chest as he leans onto the back of the chair, looking pointedly at the fluorescent lamp in the table. He feels Toma's stare buring holes in him, but he doesn't move. The older one releases a breath, pushes himself up from the bed, and picks up his clothes from the floor. He spots a green top, their green top-- the one with 'I Have Great Character' printed on it-- and decides that he will wear the shirt today. He grabs a pair of jeans and a clean pair of boxers. He looks back at the figure sitting near his bed who is now staring at the curtain-covered windows, then looks at his clock glaring red figures of 7:30 am it's too early god damnit.

“Tomohisa,” he says, smiling. “Come on, go downstairs. I'll meet you for breakfast there, okay?” He goes in the bathroom and shuts the door closed, not hearing Tomohisa shuffle about in the room, scoop Jam from underneath the bed, and bring to dog downstairs.

Breathe, he thinks as warm water sprays down on him. Breathe in, breathe out. They'll talk after breakfast, he decides. Maybe going at each other's throats at seven in the morning wasn't such a good idea.

oneshot, otp, fiction

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