*headdesk*, SPN fandom, *headdesk*

Jul 13, 2011 07:15

I find it eternally annoying and embarrassing funny how utterly stupid gullible half of this fandom is. I know, I know, that's a mean thing to say, but people prove it every. single. fucking. day.

So not only could I start throttling people every time one of those stupid ratings-discussions comes up ("OMG! They had a bad week, they're gonna get cancelled!" "OMG, are they even gonna show the rest of the season?" "OMG, let's tell everybody and their dog all around the world to watch next week so we don't get cancelled!" - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!), cause seriously people: if you don't have any idea how ratings really work, what exactly they mean and - more importantly - how they play into The CW's overall strategy (and believe me, 90% of you don't because you've never really taken the time to research it in depth and only have a vague notion of it, if at all) but feel the need to make everybody panic with your stupid statements because you believe the crap other people who have even less clue feed you - DON'T. Just shut your mouth and go about your business instead of making everybody needlessly panic and start totally and utterly pointless petitions EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. WEEK.

And I'm not even gonna start about the thousands of apparently brain-challenged croutons that used to follow everything with "Jensen" or "Jared" in their name on Twitter believing it was them when they practically said every single freakin' week that they didn't have one ("They probably just say that to throw us off their scent!" - NO, THEY DIDN'T. AS YOU MIGHT HAVE REALIZED JARED WAS MORE THAN HAPPY TO SHARE ONCE HE ACTUALLY GOT ONE!!)

Ok, where was I? Ah, right. So, yeah, not only do I have to roll my eyes at this stupidity every week, half of us are apparently dumb gullible enough to fall for it when some troll posts on ONE freakin' board that the world's Supernatural's gonna end this season. A claim so full of improbable and unsubstantiated info that everybody should've disregarded it off the bat (or at least should've said "Well, let's see what happens at ComicCon"), but what do we do instead? We feel the urgent need to bombard everybody even remotely affiliated with SPN on Twitter to "Say it ain't so!" Really, people? REALLY?

Gawd, you guys embarrass me every single fucking day sometimes.

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